Who am I?

Im James Baltar a professional programmer. You could say my main programming language is C++. I just woke up one day thinking I want to have my own website with a blog, portfolio and some “how to” in programming. So here it is, my website. Currently it only has blog but Ill include a portfolio soon.

What to expect from this website?

Well what Im currently planning is to post some “How to” in programming, Linux and maybe some Windows. Sometimes Ill also blog my opinions on popular issues. For the future Ill include a portfolio that will showcase algorithms that is widely used in game development and if time allows I will also create a tutorials mainly on C++ and its popular APIs and frameworks.
To summarize it this is my priority list:

  1. Blog
    • Post “How to”
    • Post Opinion
    • Post other topics
  2. Create a portfolio
  3. Create tutorials